Slient Pictures LaserDisc, LaserDiscs Reviews
Dialogue? I don't need no stinkin' Dialogue! According to DaDon, people talk too much these days, so sometimes it can be relaxing to sit down to a silent film. In fact, many of DaDon's friends prefer silent films because their ears have been so worn out from listening to DaDon! The very first successful attempt at recording moving pictures was "Roundhay Garden Scene" by Louis Le Prince in 1888. It may have only been 2 seconds long, but it was a darn good 2 seconds!
Since then, the biggest challenge to Film Makers was to combine synchronized sound with motion pictures. Synchronized sound remained a thorn in every Movie Maker's side until 1927 with "The Jazz Singer." The period between 1888 and 1927 was known as the "Age of the Silver Screen," in which over 1000 silent movies were made. However, ten years after "The Jazz Singer" came out, silent films were virtually extinct. Learn how to revive the LaserDisc era by reading DaDon's Newsletter...