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Bullet-proof Boxing Systems

A Bulletproof LaserDisc Shipping System...

One of the largest problems that DaDon has encountered when building his LaserDisc collection was shipping damage! In order to solve this problem DaDon analyzed the shipping damage and then developed his own shipping systems. First the damage was categorized into the following: 1. Jacket splits 2. Corner damage 3. Broken LaserDiscs. Then each category was studied in detail. My findings are as follows:

Problem #1 - Jacket Splits

Jacket splits are caused by the LaserDisc(s) sliding from one side of the jacket to the other. Each LaserDisc weighs about 1/2 of a pound and two LaserDiscs weigh about 1 pound. Worse, the slick plastic jackets that are shipped with LaserDiscs reduce friction and therefore act as a lubricant adding to the impact as the LaserDisc slides from side to side damaging the jacket from within.


When a LaserDisc is open we simply remove the LaserDisc(s) from the jacket and use a plastic sleeve to contain the Jacket and LaserDiscs. However, this does not work for a sealed jacket. For a sealed jacket we had to use a combination of methods. First when designing a boxing system we made sure that the LaserDisc is shipped horizontally. Therefore, all of our boxes are marked with the label "This Side Up". So when shipping it is best to ship horizontally and when storing it is best to keep them vertical. Also, for extra insurance we label all of our shipments as fragile. Finally, we purposely over pack, so that when sealing the inner box there is a bulge in the center. This provides the needed clamping effect by applying pressure to the center of the jacket, thereby minimizing any movement of the LaserDisc.

Problem #2 - Corner Damage

Corner Damage is caused by shipping in a single box and/or when loosely packed. Further, as more LaserDiscs are shipped in a single shipment the weight makes it difficult to protect the corners when dropped or thrown by the shipping companies.


First we found inner boxes that fit the LaserDiscs snugly on all 4 sides when wrapped with a layer of large cell-size bubble wrap. Then we found a large outer box that is 15"x15". As you know, LaserDisc jackets are about 12 1/2 inches and when packaged in the inner box they are about 12 3/4 of an inch. This leaves over 1 inch around the entire perimeter of the inside box. Then we use 4 foam corners to absorb any impact to the outside box corners.

Problem #3 - Broken LaserDiscs

LaserDisc Breakage is caused by single-boxing and is increased when they are not bubble-wrapped to cushion any blows by the shippers


First we wrap the LaserDisc in bubble-wrap, then a surrounding box with another layer of bubble-wrap, then the outside box. These interleaving layers of bubble-wrap and cardboard provide a cushion that should protect the LaserDisc from breakage in most all cases. In fact, we have a testimonial on file where a client explains in great detail how his LaserDisc shipment was saved from a heavy piercing object that actually penetrated our boxing system yet the LaserDisc and jacket showed no damage what-so-ever. For heavier shipments such as 40 or 50 LaserDiscs we have developed a triple boxing-system!

DaDon scientifically tested this system by throwing this boxing system with 4 double LaserDisc movies from his deck to the concrete below. I am happy to report that the LaserDiscs were unharmed but the outer box and my concrete patio will never be the same.



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