Rare LaserDisc Movie DataBase, LaserDisks Reviews

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The first LaserDisc technology was invented by David Paul Gregg in 1958, patented in 1961. By 1969, Philips had developed a VideoDisc using reflective mode. On the 15th of December 1978 the first title was introduced to the market. Learn what Wikipedia says about LaserDisc technology.
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Barton Fink Rare LaserDisc Goodman Turtutto Drama *CLEARANCE*
Barton Fink Rare LaserDisc Goodman Turtutto Drama *CLEARANCE*
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a punch-hole and edge-wear John...

; echo

      190580   1991   NTSC   USA
Basic Instinct Rare LaserDisc Sharron Stone Thriller
Basic Instinct Rare LaserDisc Sharron Stone Thriller
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a large split Michael Douglas,...

; echo

      LD69015   1992   NTSC   USA
Basic Instinct Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Sharon Stone Thriller
Basic Instinct Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Sharon Stone Thriller
Rare Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket Michael Douglas, Sharon...

; echo

      LD69015WS   1992   NTSC   USA
Beaches Rare LaserDisc Midler Hershey Drama
Beaches Rare LaserDisc Midler Hershey Drama
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with edge-wear Bette Midler, Barbara...

; echo

      797AS   1988   NTSC   USA
Becket Widescreen Remastered Rare LaserDisc Drama *CLEARANCE*
Becket Widescreen Remastered Rare LaserDisc Drama *CLEARANCE*
Rare Widescreen Remastered LaserDisc LaserDiscs and Jacket with a 4" split Richard...

; echo

      CLV1053   1964   NTSC   USA
Beethoven Rare LaserDisc Grodin Hunt Jones Family
Beethoven Rare LaserDisc Grodin Hunt Jones Family
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with some edge-wear Charles Grodin,...

; echo

      41222   1992   NTSC   USA
Belle epoque AKA Age of Beauty Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Foreign Romance Drama
Belle epoque AKA Age of Beauty Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Foreign Romance Drama
Rare Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket

; echo

      79376   1992   NTSC   USA
Bells Are Ringing Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Martin
Bells Are Ringing Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Martin
Rare Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold with shelf-wear and barcode label damage

; echo

      ML102178   1960   NTSC   USA
Ben-Hur Rare LaserDisc Charlton Heston Drama
Ben-Hur Rare LaserDisc Charlton Heston Drama
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with several corner folds and heavy ring-wear

; echo

      ML100004   1959   NTSC   USA
Best of Mission Impossible V3 The Council 1 & 2 LaserDisc Spy TV Show *CLEARANCE*
Best of Mission Impossible V3 The Council 1 & 2 LaserDisc Spy TV Show *CLEARANCE*
Tense and Complicated Dive Into Mob Underground...
Rare TV Series, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a punch-hole

; echo

Tense and Complicated Dive Into Mob Underground...

      LV154223   NTSC   USA
Beverly Hillbillies The Movie Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Beverly Hillbillies The Movie Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with light edge-wear and a split

; echo

      856180   1993   NTSC   USA
Beverly Hillbillies TV 6 Episodes Rare LaserDisc Television
Beverly Hillbillies TV 6 Episodes Rare LaserDisc Television
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with a cut

; echo

      593580   1969   NTSC   USA
Beverly Hills Ninja Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Comedy *CLEARANCE*
Beverly Hills Ninja Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Comedy *CLEARANCE*
Rare Widescreen LaserDisc Rental LaserDisc with label and Jacket Chris Farley,...

; echo

      82506   1997   NTSC   USA
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Comedy Rare LaserDisc Comedy *CLEARANCE*
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Comedy Rare LaserDisc Comedy *CLEARANCE*
Rare Widescreen LaserDisc LaserDisc and Jacket with two punch-outs

; echo

      ID8561OR   1991   NTSC   USA
Bird Rare LaserDisc Whitaker Drama
Bird Rare LaserDisc Whitaker Drama
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with a split Forest Whitaker and...

; echo

      11820A/B   1988   NTSC   USA

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