AC-3 Dolby Digital
AC-3 Dolby Digital LaserDiscs - Surround Sound From Your LaserDisc
AC-3 Dolby Digital LaserDiscs were introduced in 1992, and available in Mono, Stereo, and 5.1. Commonly referred to as AC-3 (Audio Codec 3) in the LaserDisc industry, there are over 1,000 AC-3 Dolby Digital LaserDiscs with over 600 unique titles.
Dolby Digital LaserDiscs with Surround EX 6.1
Introduced in 1998, Surround EX is available as 6.1, which adds a single rear channel. There are only 8 Dolby Digital Surround EX LaserDiscs and 7 unique titles.
Movie Theater-like Sound from a LaserDisc
With a properly modified LaserDisc System, Dolby Digital sounds almost as good as DTS and way better than DVDs! This is because most DVDs only encode the Dolby Digital tracks at 1/2 the bit rate, whereas LaserDiscs are full-bit rate encoded. To continue your LaserDisc Enlightenment, read DaDon's Newsletter.
Over 1,001 AC-3 Dolby Digital LaserDiscs in Stock !
DaDon has most all AC-3 Dolby Digital LaserDiscs in stock. Let DaDon help you find your rare Laser Disc or answer any of your questions.
AC-3 Dolby Digital LaserDisc Movie Reviews - 1252 Listings
A Civil Action AC-3 WS Rare LaserDisc Travolta Duvall Drama Pressed in Limited Quantities on the 20th of July 1999
Mega-Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
Pressed in Limited Quantities on the 20th of July 1999
15986AS 1998 NTSC USA
A Family Thing AC-3 Widescreen NEW Rare LaserDisc Duvall Jones Drama
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
ML105535 1995 NTSC USA
A Perfect Murder NEW AC-3 WS LaserDisc Douglas Paltrow Thriller
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
16643 1998 NTSC USA
Close Encounters of the Third Kind AC-3 THX WS NEW LaserDiscs Box-set Sci-Fi Mega-Rare Only Dolby Digital AC-3 Version on LaserDisc!
Mega-Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, Special Edition LaserDisc Boxset
Near-Mint Condition
Mega-Rare Only Dolby Digital AC-3 Version on LaserDisc!
12646 1977 NTSC USA
Dante's Peak AC-3 THX WS Signature Collection LaserDiscs Box Disaster Adventure Hot Springs Are Fine! Cleans the Skin Right Off!
Mega-Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box with light edge and shelf-wear
Hot Springs Are Fine! Cleans the Skin Right Off!
43155 1997 NTSC USA
Dante's Peak AC-3 THX WS Signature NEW LaserDisc Box Adventure Hot Springs Are Fine! Cleans the Skin Right Off!
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Hot Springs Are Fine! Cleans the Skin Right Off!
43155 1997 NTSC USA
Dead Presidents Criterion #301 AC-3 WS NEW Rare LaserDisc Thriller Vietnam Vet Drawn into a Life of Crime and Ultimate Heist
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Vietnam Vet Drawn into a Life of Crime and Ultimate Heist
CC1453L 1995 NTSC USA
Doctor Zhivago AC-3 WS 30th Anniversary Rare LaserDisc Boxset Romantic Drama Transformation of Russian Revolution through Poets Eyes
Mega-Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box
Transformation of Russian Revolution through Poets Eyes
ML105138 1965 NTSC USA
Doors AC-3 THX WS PSE LaserDisc Box Pioneer Special Ed Biography Music Drama Hallucinatory Bio-Pic of the 60s Rock Group The Doors
Mega-Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Edition
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box
Hallucinatory Bio-Pic of the 60s Rock Group The Doors
PSE9677 1991 NTSC USA
DragonHeart AC-3 Signature Collection NEW LaserDisc Box Fantasy Best Version Available, Loaded with Special Supplements
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Best Version Available, Loaded with Special Supplements
42968 1996 NTSC USA
DragonHeart WS AC-3 Signature Collection LaserDiscs Box Connery Fantasy Best Version Available, Loaded with Special Supplements
Mega-Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box with light shelf and edge-wear
Best Version Available, Loaded with Special Supplements
42968 1996 NTSC USA
Evita AC-3 THX WS NEW Criterion #337 LaserDisc Boxset Musical Epic Fairy Tale and Sociopolitical Psychodrama...
Mega-Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Edition
Near-Mint Condition Box
Epic Fairy Tale and Sociopolitical Psychodrama...
CC1488L 1997 NTSC USA
Hunchback of Notre Dame AC-3 THX WS CAV LaserDisc Box Animation Making of, Deleted Songs, Commentary, Trailers and More!
Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box
Making of, Deleted Songs, Commentary, Trailers and More!
7955CS 1996 NTSC USA
Hunchback of Notre Dame AC-3 THX WS CAV NEW LaserDisc Boxset Making of, Deleted Songs, Commentary, Trailers and More!
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Making of, Deleted Songs, Commentary, Trailers and More!
7955CS 1996 NTSC USA
Mister Roberts AC-3 RM WS Mega-Rare NEW LD Fonda Cagney Comedy Pressed in Limited Quantities on the 23rd of March 1999
Mega-Rare Factory-Sealed, Remastered, Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Pressed in Limited Quantities on the 23rd of March 1999
16879 1955 NTSC USA
Natural Born Killers AC-3 WS CAV Pioneer Special LaserDisc Box-set Crime Drama Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Documentary and More
Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, Special Edition LaserDisc Boxset
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box
Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Documentary and More
PSE9675 1994 NTSC USA
Natural Born Killers AC-3 WS CAV Pioneer Special NEW LaserDisc Box Crime Drama Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Documentary and More
Mega-Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, Special Edition LaserDisc Boxset
Near-Mint Condition
Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Documentary and More
PSE9675 1994 NTSC USA
Patriot Games AC-3 THX WS Remastered NEW Rare LaserDisc Ford Action Ex-CIA Agent Forced to Save English Minister to Ireland
Rare Factory-Sealed, Remastered, Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Ex-CIA Agent Forced to Save English Minister to Ireland
Pocahontas AC-3 CAV THX WS Disney Rare LaserDisc Box Animation Deleted Scenes and Characters, Making of, Trailers and More
Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Boxset Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box
Deleted Scenes and Characters, Making of, Trailers and More
6875CS 1995 NTSC USA
Sleeping Beauty AC-3 THX WS Rare LaserDisc Disney Boxset Animation 117 Minutes of Dupplemental Material...
Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Box
117 Minutes of Dupplemental Material...
9511CS 1959 NTSC USA
Movie Browser Disc Label Disc Format Disc Genre