Japan Not-on-DVD, LaserDisc, LaserDiscs Reviews
Would it surprise you to find out that there are over 4,000 titles on LaserDisc that are Not on DVD? This is because many times they are unable to get the rights to transfer the film to DVD because of contractual issues or when certain Actors have passed away!
DVD Transfers
Many DVDs were transferred from LaserDiscs and not the original film! In addition, there are many DVDs that are Full Screen when a Widescreen LaserDisc is available.
Not on DVD LaserDiscs Etoile 1988 Drama Lost in Space TV Series and 100's more...
DaDon has many of the Japan Only "Not on DVD" LaserDisc Titles in stock. Let DaDon help you find your rare LaserDisc or answer any of your questions. Also, sign up for DaDon's LaserDisc Newsletter to learn more about these rare treats!