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Other Laser Discs LaserDisc Movie Reviews - 1298 Listings

Blades Rare NEW Cult LaserDisc Stevenson Horror
Blades Rare NEW Cult LaserDisc Stevenson Horror
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition with edge-wear and a tear in shrink-wrap - Never Played


      ID7853ME   1989   NTSC   USA

Blood Feast NEW LaserDisc Lewis Kerwin Arnold Horror
Blood Feast NEW LaserDisc Lewis Kerwin Arnold Horror
Rare Factory-Sealed LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition Herschell Gordon Lewis...


      HHT001   1963   NTSC   USA

Blood Simple LaserDisc Coen Brothers Getz McDormand Thriller
Blood Simple LaserDisc Coen Brothers Getz McDormand Thriller
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with some edge-wear John Getz...


      40180   1984   NTSC   USA

Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with some edge-wear Natalie...


      ID6022RC   1969   NTSC   USA

Body Chemistry 4 Uncut Rare LaserDisc Thriller
Body Chemistry 4 Uncut Rare LaserDisc Thriller
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with edge and ring wear Shannon Tweed...


      ID3261NH   1994   NTSC   USA

Boudu Saved from Drowning AKA Boudu sauve des eaux Rare LaserDisc Foreign Comedy
Boudu Saved from Drowning AKA Boudu sauve des eaux Rare LaserDisc Foreign Comedy
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Michel Simon and Severine Lerczynska...


      ID2203IN   1932   NTSC   USA

Breathing Fire Rare NEW LaserDisc Yeung Action
Breathing Fire Rare NEW LaserDisc Yeung Action
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition with a small opening in shrink-wrap - Never Played


      ID2493IP   NTSC   USA

Burial of the Rats UNCUT Rare NEW LaserDisc Bram Stoker Horror
Burial of the Rats UNCUT Rare NEW LaserDisc Bram Stoker Horror
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Adrienne Barbeau and Maria Ford...


      ID3581NH   1995   NTSC   USA

Caddyshack II NEW Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Caddyshack II NEW Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield,...


      11791   1988   NTSC   USA

Cartoonies Featuring Gabby LaserDisc Fleischer Animation
Cartoonies Featuring Gabby LaserDisc Fleischer Animation
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a corner fold Max...


      LV27106   NTSC   USA

Casper Cartoons Volume 3 Rare LaserDisc Animation
Casper Cartoons Volume 3 Rare LaserDisc Animation
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with shelf-wear Alan Shay...


      41472   NTSC   USA

Casper Cartoons Volume 4 Rare LaserDisc Animation
Casper Cartoons Volume 4 Rare LaserDisc Animation
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a corner fold Mae Questel...


      41491   NTSC   USA

Cat's Eye Rare Stephen King LaserDisc Barrymore Wood
Cat's Eye Rare Stephen King LaserDisc Barrymore Wood
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a compressed corner Drew...


      473180   1985   NTSC   USA

Catch-22 LaserDisc Voight Garfunkel Welles Comedy
Catch-22 LaserDisc Voight Garfunkel Welles Comedy
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Alan Arkin and Martin Balsam...


      LV6924   1970   NTSC   USA

Cheech and Chong Still Smokin' Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Cheech and Chong Still Smokin' Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with edge-wear Cheech and Chong...


      LV2315   1983   NTSC   USA

Class of 1984 Rare LaserDisc Thriller
Class of 1984 Rare LaserDisc Thriller
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Andrew McCarthy, Jacqueline Bisset,...


      VL5022   1982   NTSC   USA

Class of Nuke 'Em High 2 Subhumanoid Meltdown NEW Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Class of Nuke 'Em High 2 Subhumanoid Meltdown NEW Rare LaserDisc Comedy
Mega-Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Andrew McCarthy, Jacqueline...


      ID8591ME   1991   NTSC   USA

Conagher Rare LaserDisc Ross Elliott TV Movie Western
Conagher Rare LaserDisc Ross Elliott TV Movie Western
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with several light corner folds


      ID8418TU   1991   NTSC   USA

Conagher Rare NEW LaserDisc Ross Elliott TV Movie Western
Conagher Rare NEW LaserDisc Ross Elliott TV Movie Western
Rare Factory-Sealed LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition Katharine Ross, Barry...


      ID8418TU   1991   NTSC   USA

Conan the Destroyer Rare LaserDisc Schwarzenegger Fantasy
Conan the Destroyer Rare LaserDisc Schwarzenegger Fantasy
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with edge-wear Arnold Schwarzenegger,...


      40079   1984   NTSC   USA


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