DTS Digital Suround Sound
DTS Surround Sound LaserDisc Reviews, LaserDiscs
Digital Theater Systems introduced in 1993, its new 6 channel digital encoding system to Movie Theaters worldwide. Technically DTS offers up to 5.1 channels of 20-bit audio with five full-range channels including a subwoofer channel that are encoded on the digital tracks of a DTS LaserDisc.
For Movie Theater-like Sound...
With a properly modified LaserDisc System, DTS sounds way better than DVDs! This is because most DVDs only encode the DTS tracks at 1/2 the bit rate whereas LaserDiscs are full-bit rate encoded.
Over 101 DTS LaserDiscs in Stock
There are over 143 DTS LaserDiscs with approximately 120 unique titles. DaDon has most all DTS LaserDisc's in stock. Due to their rarity DTS LaserDiscs are expensive but well worth the investment. While you're at it, try reading DaDon's LaserDisc Newsletter so you can learn how to care for and preserve your Rare DTS discs. Let DaDon help you find your rare LaserDisc or answer any of your questions.
DTS Digital Suround Sound LaserDisc Movie Reviews - 200 Listings
Good Will Hunting DTS WS NEW LaserDisc Damon Affleck Williams South Boston Whiz Kid cleans the Halls of Learning...
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie (No DTS DVD)
Near-Mint Condition
South Boston Whiz Kid cleans the Halls of Learning...
15112AS 1997 NTSC USA
Toy Story DTS THX WS NEW Rare LaserDisc Disney Pixar Animation First Full-Length Film Animated Entirely on Computers !
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
First Full-Length Film Animated Entirely on Computers !
12153AS 1995 NTSC USA
Alien Resurrection DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Weaver Ryder Sci-Fi 200 Years and 8 Horrific Experiments Later... She's Back
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
200 Years and 8 Horrific Experiments Later... She's Back
0032584 1997 NTSC USA
Apollo 13 DTS THX WS NEW Rare LaserDisc Hanks Bacon Paxton Drama "Houston, We Have a Problem..."
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition with split and several light creases
"Houston, We Have a Problem..."
43119 1995 NTSC USA
Born on the Fourth of July DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Cruise He Was a Normal Teen Before the Vietnam War...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket
He Was a Normal Teen Before the Vietnam War...
ID4482MC 1989 NTSC USA
Con Air DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Cage Cusack Malkovich As Fun as a Plane Full of Psychopathic Murderers and Rapists !
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
As Fun as a Plane Full of Psychopathic Murderers and Rapists !
12881AS 1997 NTSC USA
Dante's Peak DTS THX WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Brosnan Hot Springs Are Fine ! Cleans the Skin Right Off !
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Hot Springs Are Fine ! Cleans the Skin Right Off !
43364 1997 NTSC USA
Die Hard DTS WS LaserDisc Rare LD Willis Rickman Action Partygoers are Taken Hostage by a Group of Terrorists
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with edge-wear, a corner fold and a compressed corner
Partygoers are Taken Hostage by a Group of Terrorists
0890584 1988 NTSC USA
Die Hard With a Vengeance DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Willis Jackson Action Bruce Willis Returns as Misfit Cop John McClane
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with several splits
Bruce Willis Returns as Misfit Cop John McClane
0885884 1995 NTSC USA
Dragon The Bruce Lee Story DTS WS Mega-Rare LaserDisc Follows Bruce from Childhood to his Mysterious Death...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket
Follows Bruce from Childhood to his Mysterious Death...
ID4426MC 1993 NTSC USA
Evita DTS THX WS LaserDisc Rare NEW LD Madona Banderas Musical Epic Fairy Tale and Sociopolitical Psychodrama...
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition woth one compressed corner
Epic Fairy Tale and Sociopolitical Psychodrama...
12096AS 1997 NTSC USA
GoldenEye DTS THX WS 007 NEW LaserDisc Bond Brosnan Spy Action Includes Original Featurette and Tina Turner Music Video
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition with several splits
Includes Original Featurette and Tina Turner Music Video
ML105987 1995 NTSC USA
Heart and Souls DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Comedy Downey Angelic Quartet Give Lawyer A Lesson in Humanity...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
Angelic Quartet Give Lawyer A Lesson in Humanity...
ID4483MC 1993 NTSC USA
Hercules DTS WS Rare LD Disney LaserDisc NEW James Woods Animation Doomed to Live Among Mortals... Harsh
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Doomed to Live Among Mortals... Harsh
15067AS 1997 NTSC USA
In the Name of the Father DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Day-Lewis Fight to Clear Wrongly Imprisoned Father's Name...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket
Fight to Clear Wrongly Imprisoned Father's Name...
ID4484MC 1993 NTSC USA
Jackie Brown DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDiscs Grier DeNiro Thriller Quentin Tarantino's Version of 1955 Book "Rum Punch"
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Quentin Tarantino's Version of 1955 Book "Rum Punch"
15065AS 1997 NTSC USA
Jurassic Park DTS THX WS Rare LaserDisc NEW Goldblum Neill One of the First Commercial DTS LaserDiscs Produced...
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition with several creases and 2 splits
One of the First Commercial DTS LaserDiscs Produced...
43115 1993 NTSC USA
Most Wanted DTS WS LaserDisc Rare LD Voight Wayans NEW Action
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
ID4716LI 1997 NTSC USA
Phenomenon DTS THX WS NEW LaserDisc Travolta Sedgwick Sci-Fi Instant Genius and Super Powers Shock Common Mechanic
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition with several small split
Instant Genius and Super Powers Shock Common Mechanic
12159AS 1996 NTSC USA
Pocahontas DTS THX WS Rare LaserDisc Gibson Disney Romance between Spirited Indian and British Captain...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
Romance between Spirited Indian and British Captain...
12158AS 1995 NTSC USA
Movie Browser Disc Label Disc Format Disc Genre