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The first LaserDisc technology was invented by David Paul Gregg in 1958, patented in 1961. By 1969, Philips had developed a VideoDisc using reflective mode. On the 15th of December 1978 the first title was introduced to the market. Learn what Wikipedia says about LaserDisc technology.
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The Rolling Stones Live at the Max AC-3 THX Rare LaserDisc IMAX *CLEARANCE*
The Rolling Stones Live at the Max AC-3 THX Rare LaserDisc IMAX *CLEARANCE*
Rare AC-3 THX LaserDisc Near-Mint Rental LaserDisc with labels and Jacket with edge-wear an several splits

; echo

      ID3646CA   1991   NTSC   USA
Knight Moves UNCUT Widescreen Rare Japan Only LaserDisc Thriller
Knight Moves UNCUT Widescreen Rare Japan Only LaserDisc Thriller
Rare Uncut Japan Only Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with OBI

; echo

      PCLV10011   1992   NTSC   Japan
The Rose Rare LaserDisc Midler Stanton *CLEARANCE*
The Rose Rare LaserDisc Midler Stanton *CLEARANCE*
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with labels, ring-wear, and tears to opening

; echo

      109280   1979   NTSC   USA
A Room with a View Rare Japan LaserDisc Bonham Carter Day-Lewis
A Room with a View Rare Japan LaserDisc Bonham Carter Day-Lewis
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a split and edge-wear without OBI

; echo

      SF0501398   1985   NTSC   Japan
Bubblegum Crisis vol.6 Red Eyes Rare Japan LaserDisc Anime *CLEARANCE*
Bubblegum Crisis vol.6 Red Eyes Rare Japan LaserDisc Anime *CLEARANCE*
Rare LaserDisc Rental LaserDisc witth label and damage and Jacket - with OBI

; echo

      AV0981054   1987   NTSC   Japan
Bubblegum Crisis vol 4 Revenge Road Rare LaserDisc Anime *CLEARANCE*
Bubblegum Crisis vol 4 Revenge Road Rare LaserDisc Anime *CLEARANCE*
Rare LaserDisc Rental LaserDisc with label damage and Jacket

; echo

      L0885053   1987   NTSC   Japan
The Runners Rare LaserDisc CAV DiscoVision Sports
The Runners Rare LaserDisc CAV DiscoVision Sports
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Box Set with shelf-wear

; echo

      86003   NTSC   USA
Ruggles of Red Gap Rare LaserDisc
Ruggles of Red Gap Rare LaserDisc
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with several light corner folds and shelf-wear

; echo

      21018   1935   NTSC   USA
Last of the Dogmen Rare DSS LaserDisc Berenger Hershey Action *CLEARANCE*
Last of the Dogmen Rare DSS LaserDisc Berenger Hershey Action *CLEARANCE*
Rare Dolby Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Rental LaserDisc with a label and Jacket with shelf-wear and a split

; echo

      LD91202WS   1995   NTSC   USA
Jasdf volume 3 F-15 Eagle Rare NEW LaserDisc Japan Only
Jasdf volume 3 F-15 Eagle Rare NEW LaserDisc Japan Only
Rare Factory-Sealed LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition

; echo

      BVLX143   NTSC   Japan
Running Scared Rare LaserDisc Comedy Crystal Hines
Running Scared Rare LaserDisc Comedy Crystal Hines
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with several cover creases

; echo

      ML101008   1986   NTSC   USA
The Last Picture Show RM Rare LaserDisc
The Last Picture Show RM Rare LaserDisc
Rare RM LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with a split Timothy Bottoms,...

; echo

      50426   1971   NTSC   USA
The Last Temptation of Christ Rare LaserDisc Dafoe Keitel
The Last Temptation of Christ Rare LaserDisc Dafoe Keitel
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with a corner with several folds

; echo

      40842   1988   NTSC   USA
Gonin Extended Director's Cut AC-3 Widescreen Rare Japan Only LaserDisc Action
Gonin Extended Director's Cut AC-3 Widescreen Rare Japan Only LaserDisc Action
Rare AC-3 Widescreen Japan Only, LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with OBI

; echo

      IFJL005   1995   NTSC   Japan
Rooftops Rare LaserDisc Gedrick Velez Musical
Rooftops Rare LaserDisc Gedrick Velez Musical
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a corner fold and punch-out

; echo

      ID6633IV   1989   NTSC   USA

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