Rare LaserDisc Movie DataBase, LaserDisks Reviews

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The first LaserDisc technology was invented by David Paul Gregg in 1958, patented in 1961. By 1969, Philips had developed a VideoDisc using reflective mode. On the 15th of December 1978 the first title was introduced to the market. Learn what Wikipedia says about LaserDisc technology.
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Truth or Consequences N.M. Mega-Rare NEW Japan Only DSS LaserDisc Action
Truth or Consequences N.M. Mega-Rare NEW Japan Only DSS LaserDisc Action
Mega-Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Surround Sound, Widescreen, Japan Only, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition

; echo


      LLD25294   1997   NTSC   Japan
A Midsummer Night's Dream 1935 Rare LaserDisc Sci-Fi
A Midsummer Night's Dream 1935 Rare LaserDisc Sci-Fi
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold Jacket with shelf and edge-wear with several compressed corners

; echo

      ML102543   1935   NTSC   USA
Liar Liar AC-3 THX WS LaserDisc Signature Collection Comedy *CLEARANCE*
Liar Liar AC-3 THX WS LaserDisc Signature Collection Comedy *CLEARANCE*
A Lawyer Forced to Tell the Truth for 24 Hours..?
Rare Dolby Digital AC-3, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold Jacket with label damage and edge-wear

; echo

A Lawyer Forced to Tell the Truth for 24 Hours..?

      43309   1997   NTSC   USA
Four Weddings and a Funeral Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Grant MacDowell
Four Weddings and a Funeral Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Grant MacDowell
Rare Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a compressed corner

; echo

      8006317691   1994   NTSC   USA
Knights of the Round Table Rare LaserDisc Taylor Gardner
Knights of the Round Table Rare LaserDisc Taylor Gardner
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with light edge-wear and several lightly compressed corners

; echo

      ML100399   1953   NTSC   USA
Let's Talk About Sex Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Comedy *CLEARANCE*
Let's Talk About Sex Widescreen Rare LaserDisc Comedy *CLEARANCE*
Rare Widescreen LaserDisc Rental LaserDisc with label and Jacket with cover creases

; echo

      ID5112LI   1998   NTSC   USA
Good Luck Rare LaserDisc Hines Comedy
Good Luck Rare LaserDisc Hines Comedy
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with heavy edge-wear and cover creases

; echo

      ID3800AP   1996   NTSC   USA
Four Rooms Rare LaserDisc WS Madonna Beals Banderas Comedy
Four Rooms Rare LaserDisc WS Madonna Beals Banderas Comedy
Rare Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with some shelf and edge-wear plus several large splits

; echo

      7956AS   1995   NTSC   USA
Frankenstein Unbound Rare LaserDisc Hurt Julia
Frankenstein Unbound Rare LaserDisc Hurt Julia
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with edge-wear - Never Played Kenneth...

; echo

      187580   1990   NTSC   USA
Red Rock West LaserDisc 1993 Nicolas Cage Dennis Hopper Thriller *CLEARANCE*
Red Rock West LaserDisc 1993 Nicolas Cage Dennis Hopper Thriller *CLEARANCE*
Rare LaserDisc Movie Rental LaserDisc with label and Jacket with labels, cover creases, edge-wear, and corner folds

; echo

      26976   1992   NTSC   USA
The River Rare LaserDisc Spacek Gibson Drama
The River Rare LaserDisc Spacek Gibson Drama
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with edge-wear, several corner folds and cover creases

; echo

      40160   1984   NTSC   USA
Romancing the Stone WS DSS Rare LaserDisc Douglas Turner Adventure *CLEARANCE*
Romancing the Stone WS DSS Rare LaserDisc Douglas Turner Adventure *CLEARANCE*
Romance Novelist Seeks Treasure and Adventure
Rare Dolby Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Gatefold Jacket with edge-wear, several compressed corners, and labels

; echo

Romance Novelist Seeks Treasure and Adventure

      135885   1984   NTSC   USA
Rose Tattoo Rare LaserDisc Lancaster Drama *CLEARANCE*
Rose Tattoo Rare LaserDisc Lancaster Drama *CLEARANCE*
Rare LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a punch-hole Anna Magnani and...

; echo

      LV5511   1955   NTSC   USA
The Rosary Murders LaserDisc Sutherland Durning Thriller *CLEARANCE*
The Rosary Murders LaserDisc Sutherland Durning Thriller *CLEARANCE*
Rare LaserDisc Movie - No DVD Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a clipped corner and edge-wear

; echo

      ID5183VV   1987   NTSC   USA
Jersey Girls Rare Japan Only LaserDisc Comedy
Jersey Girls Rare Japan Only LaserDisc Comedy
Rare Japan Only, LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with OBI Jami Gertz,...

; echo

      BPLD509003   1992   NTSC   Japan

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