DTS Digital LaserDisc, Rare LaserDiscs, Laser Disc

Worlds Leading Rare LaserDisc Authority
Bullet-proof Boxing Systems

DTS Surround Sound LaserDisc Reviews, LaserDiscs

Digital Theater Systems introduced in 1993, its new 6 channel digital encoding system to Movie Theaters worldwide. Technically DTS offers up to 5.1 channels of 20-bit audio with five full-range channels including a subwoofer channel that are encoded on the digital tracks of a DTS LaserDisc.

For Movie Theater-like Sound...

With a properly modified LaserDisc System, DTS sounds way better than DVDs! This is because most DVDs only encode the DTS tracks at 1/2 the bit rate whereas LaserDiscs are full-bit rate encoded. Over 101 DTS LaserDiscs in Stock

There are over 143 DTS LaserDiscs with approximately 120 unique titles. DaDon has most all DTS LaserDisc's in stock. Due to their rarity DTS LaserDiscs are expensive but well worth the investment. While you're at it, try reading DaDon's LaserDisc Newsletter so you can learn how to care for and preserve your Rare DTS discs. Let DaDon help you find your rare LaserDisc or answer any of your questions.

DTS LaserDiscs
DTS LaserDisc Sound You Will feel The Difference

DTS Digital Suround Sound LaserDisc Movie Reviews - 200 Listings

12 Monkeys DTS WS LaserDisc Rare LD Willis Pitt Stowe Sci-Fi
12 Monkeys DTS WS LaserDisc Rare LD Willis Pitt Stowe Sci-Fi
How Does the World End this Time? Bet its a Hamster...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with several splits and a compressed corner


How Does the World End this Time? Bet its a Hamster...

      43208   1995   NTSC   USA

12 Monkeys DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Willis Pitt Sci-Fi
12 Monkeys DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Willis Pitt Sci-Fi
How Does the World End this Time? Bet its a Hamster...
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition


How Does the World End this Time? Bet its a Hamster...

      43208   1995   NTSC   USA

Alien Resurrection DTS WS LaserDisc Weaver Ryder Sci-Fi
Alien Resurrection DTS WS LaserDisc Weaver Ryder Sci-Fi
200 Years and 8 Horrific Experiments Later... She's Back
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a compressed corner and several splits


200 Years and 8 Horrific Experiments Later... She's Back

      0032584   1997   NTSC   USA

Alien Resurrection DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Weaver Ryder Sci-Fi
Alien Resurrection DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Weaver Ryder Sci-Fi
200 Years and 8 Horrific Experiments Later... She's Back
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition


200 Years and 8 Horrific Experiments Later... She's Back

      0032584   1997   NTSC   USA

Apollo 13 DTS THX WS LaserDisc Rare LD Hanks Howard Drama
Apollo 13 DTS THX WS LaserDisc Rare LD Hanks Howard Drama
"Houston, We Have a Problem..."
Rare DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with a split and some shelf-wear


"Houston, We Have a Problem..."

      43119   1995   NTSC   USA

Apollo 13 DTS THX WS NEW Rare LaserDisc Hanks Bacon Paxton Drama
Apollo 13 DTS THX WS NEW Rare LaserDisc Hanks Bacon Paxton Drama
"Houston, We Have a Problem..."
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, THX Certified, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition with split and several light creases


"Houston, We Have a Problem..."

      43119   1995   NTSC   USA

Armageddon DTS WS Mega-Rare LaserDisc Willis Affleck Tyler Sci-Fi
Armageddon DTS WS Mega-Rare LaserDisc Willis Affleck Tyler Sci-Fi
Limited Quantities Pressed on the 26th of January 1999
Mega-Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket


Limited Quantities Pressed on the 26th of January 1999

      16066AS   1998   NTSC   USA

Austin Powers International Man of Mystery DTS WS LaserDisc Spy Comedy
Austin Powers International Man of Mystery DTS WS LaserDisc Spy Comedy
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with some edge-wear, several corner folds and compressed corners


      ID4402LI   1997   NTSC   USA

Babe DTS WS Rare LaserDiscs Cromwell Family
Babe DTS WS Rare LaserDiscs Cromwell Family
Little pig with big dreams teaches himself to be a sheepdog
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with a several splits


Little pig with big dreams teaches himself to be a sheepdog

      43209   1995   NTSC   USA

Babe WS DTS LaserDisc NEW Rare Cromwell Family
Babe WS DTS LaserDisc NEW Rare Cromwell Family
Little pig with big dreams teaches himself to be a sheepdog
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition


Little pig with big dreams teaches himself to be a sheepdog

      43209   1995   NTSC   USA

Blade DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Snipes Kristofferson
Blade DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Snipes Kristofferson
Marvel Comics Vampire-slayer avenges Mothers Death
Mega-Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with several splits, several compressed corners and ring-wear


Marvel Comics Vampire-slayer avenges Mothers Death

      ID5423LI   1998   NTSC   USA

Blown Away DTS WS 1994 LaserDisc Bridges Jones Whitaker
Blown Away DTS WS 1994 LaserDisc Bridges Jones Whitaker
Irish Political Prisoner+Explosives Expert Bomb Boston
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with several splits


Irish Political Prisoner+Explosives Expert Bomb Boston

      ML106171   1994   NTSC   USA

Blown Away DTS WS NEW LaserDisc Bridges Jones Whitaker Action
Blown Away DTS WS NEW LaserDisc Bridges Jones Whitaker Action
Irish Political Prisoner+Explosives Expert Bomb Boston
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition


Irish Political Prisoner+Explosives Expert Bomb Boston

      ML106171   1994   NTSC   USA

Boogie Nights DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Wahlberg Reynolds Drama
Boogie Nights DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Wahlberg Reynolds Drama
Everyone's Blessed with One Special Thing...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket with light shelf and edge-wear plus several splits with clear tape


Everyone's Blessed with One Special Thing...

      ID4415LI   1997   NTSC   USA

Boogie Nights DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Wahlberg Reynolds Drama
Boogie Nights DTS WS Rare NEW LaserDisc Wahlberg Reynolds Drama
Everyone's Blessed with One Special Thing...
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition with ring-wear and an opening in shrink-wrap


Everyone's Blessed with One Special Thing...

      ID4415LI   1997   NTSC   USA

Born on the Fourth of July DTS WS NEW LaserDisc Cruise War Drama
Born on the Fourth of July DTS WS NEW LaserDisc Cruise War Drama
He Was a Normal Teen Before the Vietnam War...
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition


He Was a Normal Teen Before the Vietnam War...

      ID4482MC   1989   NTSC   USA

Born on the Fourth of July DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Cruise
Born on the Fourth of July DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Cruise
He Was a Normal Teen Before the Vietnam War...
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket


He Was a Normal Teen Before the Vietnam War...

      ID4482MC   1989   NTSC   USA

Broken Arrow DTS WS LaserDisc Rare LD Travolta Slater Action
Broken Arrow DTS WS LaserDisc Rare LD Travolta Slater Action
Megalomaniacal Air Force Pilot Steals Nuclear Warheads
Rare DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket


Megalomaniacal Air Force Pilot Steals Nuclear Warheads

      0896384   1996   NTSC   USA

Broken Arrow WS DTS LaserDisc NEW Rare Travolta Slater Action
Broken Arrow WS DTS LaserDisc NEW Rare Travolta Slater Action
Megalomaniacal Air Force Pilot Steals Nuclear Warheads
Rare Factory-Sealed, DTS Surround Sound, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition with a split and small corner fold


Megalomaniacal Air Force Pilot Steals Nuclear Warheads

      0896384   1996   NTSC   USA

Carlito's Way DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Pacino Penn Miller Gangster Drama
Carlito's Way DTS WS Rare LaserDisc Pacino Penn Miller Gangster Drama
Rare DTS Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket Al Pacino, Sean Penn,...


      ID4425MC   1993   NTSC   USA


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