Japan AC-3 LaserDisc, Rare LaserDiscs, Laser Disc

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Bullet-proof Boxing Systems

Japan AC-3 Dolby Digital 5.1, LaserDisc, LaserDiscs Reviews

Most Japanese LaserDiscs offer the better video and sound transfer. These Dolby Digital 5.1, EX or AC-3 versions are only available from Japan. There were over 50 unique Japanese AC-3 LaserDisc titles manufactured. They are all rare, relatively expensive, but the sound is amazing!

These rare LaserDiscs are priced appropriately and are seldom available on eBay. Learn how to care for and Preserve these exceptionally Rare LaserDiscs by reading DaDon's Newsletter.

Japan AC-3 LDs
Japan AC-3 LaserDisc Dolby Digital LaserDiscs

Japan AC-3 Dolby LD's LaserDisc Movie Reviews - 400 Listings

The Big Hit AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Big Hit AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Mark Wahlberg, Lou...


      LLD26551   1998   NTSC   Japan

The Big Lebowski AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Big Lebowski AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Jeff Bridges, John...


      PILF2773   1998   NTSC   Japan

The Birdcage AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Birdcage AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Robin Williams,...


      PILF2369   1996   NTSC   Japan

The Blues Brothers AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Blues Brothers AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 THX Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold Jacket John...


      PILF2703   1980   NTSC   Japan

The Boxer AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Boxer AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Daniel Day-Lewis,...


      PILF2633   1997   NTSC   Japan

The Cell AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Cell AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Jennifer Lopez, Vince...


      PILF2868   2000   NTSC   Japan

The Crucible AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Crucible AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 THX Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold Jacket Daniel...


      PILF2466   1996   NTSC   Japan

The Edge AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Edge AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Anthony Hopkins, Alec...


      PILF2663   1997   NTSC   Japan

The English Patient AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The English Patient AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold Jacket Ralph...


      ASLY1132   1996   NTSC   Japan

The Fifth Element AC-3 Widescreen Japan Only Rare LaserDisc Sci-Fi
The Fifth Element AC-3 Widescreen Japan Only Rare LaserDisc Sci-Fi
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold Jacket with OBI


      JVLF77011~2   1997   NTSC   Japan

The First Wives Club AC-3 Rare LaserDisc
The First Wives Club AC-3 Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton, Bette...


      PILF2534   1996   NTSC   Japan

The Fly AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Fly AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Jeff Goldblum, Geena...


      PILF2583   1958   NTSC   Japan

The Full Monty AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Full Monty AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Robert Carlyle, Mark...


      PILF2569   1997   NTSC   Japan

The Ghost and the Darkness AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Ghost and the Darkness AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 THX Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Michael Douglas,...


      PILF2530   1996   NTSC   Japan

The Glimmer Man AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Glimmer Man AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Steven Seagal, Keenan...


      PILF2382   1996   NTSC   Japan

The Horse Whisperer AC-3 Rare LaserDisc Drama
The Horse Whisperer AC-3 Rare LaserDisc Drama
Rare AC-3 LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Robert Redford, Kristin Scott...


      PILF2723   1998   NTSC   Japan

The Hunt for Red October AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Hunt for Red October AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 THX Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Gatefold Jacket


      PILF2484   1990   NTSC   Japan

The Jurassic Park Lost World AC-3 THX Rare LaserDisc
The Jurassic Park Lost World AC-3 THX Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 THX LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket


      PILF2560   1997   NTSC   Japan

The Limey AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Limey AC-3 Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Terence Stamp, Lesley...


      PILF2866   1999   NTSC   Japan

The Lion King AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
The Lion King AC-3 THX Widescreen Rare LaserDisc
Rare AC-3 THX Widescreen LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Matthew...


      PILA1344   1994   NTSC   Japan


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