Roan Group / Hammer
Roan Group LaserDisc, LaserDiscs Reviews
The Roan Group released 58 LaserDisc Titles beginning on the 23rd of March 1994 with "Zane Grey Collection #1: Fighting Caravans, Fighting Westerner, Hell Town" and ending with their highly-sought-after cult classic "Two Lane Blacktop" on the 11th of May 1999. Seven of the 58 released classics were issued in Dolby Digital AC-3 Surround Sound. They also had four other movies planned for release, but never came to fruition due to the Roan Group being purchased by Troma Entertainment on the 15th of May 2000.
Highly Praised Restoration Quality...
Roan Group is widely praised for their highly superior restoration quality and have been featured on Siskel & Ebert, Leonard Maltin and Entertainment Weekly for their accomplishments in the industry. All Roan releases are fully restored and digitally mastered from the original film elements to ensure that these classics live on for future generations to enjoy. Not to mention the fact that most of the covers are constructed to last and have awesome artwork! They also offer some of the most highly sought after titles in today's marketplace due to the relatively scarce numbers of pressings.
Most Roan Group LaserDiscs in Stock!
DaDon's Lasers has most of The Roan Group LaserDiscs in Stock. Let us help you find your rare LaserDiscs or answer your questions today! And it would be a "good thing" should you sign up for DaDon's LaserDisc Newsletter...
Roan Group / Hammer LaserDisc Movie Reviews - 100 Listings
Rage at Dawn / Kansas Pacific Roan LaserDisc Double
Rare Double-Feature, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket
RGL9607 1955 NTSC USA
Rage at Dawn / Kansas Pacific Roan LaserDisc NEW Double Western Reno Bank Robberies + Pre-Civil War Conflict on Railway
Rare Factory-Sealed, Double-Feature, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition with Gatefold Jacket
Reno Bank Robberies + Pre-Civil War Conflict on Railway
RGL9607 1955 NTSC USA
Room at the Top WS LaserDisc Roan NEW Rare LD Harvey Romantic Drama Mega-Rare on DVD - Ships Worldwide...
Rare Factory-Sealed, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie - DVD is OOP
Near-Mint Condition with one slightly compressed corner
Mega-Rare on DVD - Ships Worldwide...
RGL9617 1959 NTSC USA
Room at the Top WS Rare LD Roan LaserDisc Harvey Romantic Drama Mega-Rare on DVD - Ships Worldwide...
Rare Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie - DVD is OOP
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
Mega-Rare on DVD - Ships Worldwide...
RGL9617 1959 NTSC USA
Satan's Sadists Satans Sadist Widescreen Unrated NEW Roan LaserDisc Biker Horror Mega-Rare Motorcycle Maniacs Goes on Killing Rampage...
Rare Factory-Sealed, Unrated, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Mega-Rare Motorcycle Maniacs Goes on Killing Rampage...
RGL9624 1969 NTSC USA
Satan's Sadists WS Roan Rare Unrated Biker LaserDisc LD Cult Horror Mega-Rare Motorcycle Maniacs Goes on Killing Rampage...
Rare Unrated, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
Mega-Rare Motorcycle Maniacs Goes on Killing Rampage...
RGL9624 1969 NTSC USA
Scrooge A Christmas Carol 1951 Roan Rare LaserDisc Sim Musical "Definitive Film Version of Dickens' Cherished Novel"
Rare LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
Alastair Sim and Kathleen...
"Definitive Film Version of Dickens' Cherished Novel"
RGL9608 1951 NTSC USA
Scrooge A Christmas Carol 1951 Roan Rare NEW LaserDisc Sim Musical "Definitive Film Version of Dickens' Cherished Novel"
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Alastair Sim and Kathleen...
"Definitive Film Version of Dickens' Cherished Novel"
RGL9608 1951 NTSC USA
Shatter WS Roan Hammer NEW LaserDisc Whitman Cushing Thriller International Assassin Marked for Death in Hong Kong
Rare Factory-Sealed, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Stuart Whitman...
International Assassin Marked for Death in Hong Kong
RGL9630 1974 NTSC USA
Shatter WS Roan Hammer Rare LaserDisc Whitman Cushing Diffring Thriller International Assassin Marked for Death in Hong Kong
Rare Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with some ring-wear and a light corner fold
International Assassin Marked for Death in Hong Kong
RGL9630 1974 NTSC USA
Shatter WS Roan Hammer Rare LaserDisc Whitman Cushing Diffring Thriller *CLEARANCE* International Assassin Marked for Death in Hong Kong
Rare Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Rental LaserDisc with labels and Jacket with labels
International Assassin Marked for Death in Hong Kong
RGL9630 1974 NTSC USA
Suddenly WS 1954 Roan Group LaserDisc Sinatra Thriller "Sinatra As A Savage, Sensation-Hungry Killer!"
Rare Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
Frank Sinatra and...
"Sinatra As A Savage, Sensation-Hungry Killer!"
RGL9404 1954 NTSC USA
Suddenly WS 1954 Roan NEW LaserDisc Sinatra Thriller After Kennedy's assassination, the film was shelved and Sinatra...
Rare Factory-Sealed, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Frank Sinatra...
After Kennedy's assassination, the film was shelved and Sinatra...
RGL9404 1938 NTSC USA
T-Men / Raw Deal Roan Double Feature LaserDisc Noir Thriller Detroit Hooch Syndicate + Raw Deal: Enough Said
Rare Double-Feature, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDiscs and Jacket
Detroit Hooch Syndicate + Raw Deal: Enough Said
RGL9613 1947 NTSC USA
T-Men Raw Deal Roan Double Feature NEW Rare LaserDisc Thriller Mega-Rare Double Feature! Awesome Cover Art! ...
Rare Factory-Sealed, Double-Feature, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition
Mega-Rare Double Feature! Awesome Cover Art! ...
RGL9613 1947 NTSC USA
Target Earth Rare LaserDisc Roan WS LD Denning Sci-Fi Venusian Robots Invade American City!! - 50s Cult SciFi
Rare Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with several compressed corners
Venusian Robots Invade American City!! - 50s Cult SciFi
RGL9610 1954 NTSC USA
Tenebre AC-3 WS Roan UNCUT LaserDisc Argento Franciosa Horror "Style-Fest from Italian Horror Mastermind Argento..."
Rare Uncut, Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
"Style-Fest from Italian Horror Mastermind Argento..."
RGL9644 1982 NTSC USA
Tenebre AC-3 WS UNCUT Rare NEW Roan LaserDisc Argento Horror "Style-Fest from Italian Horror Mastermind Argento..."
Rare Factory-Sealed, Uncut, Dolby Digital AC-3, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint Condition with a small tear in plastic-wrap
"Style-Fest from Italian Horror Mastermind Argento..."
RGL9644 1982 NTSC USA
The Abominable Snowman WS Roan LaserDisc Tucker Cushing Horror
Rare Roan, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
RGL9632 1957 NTSC USA
The Aftermath WS Dir Cut Roan LaserDisc Sci-Fi
Rare Director's Cut, Widescreen, LaserDisc Movie - Not on DVD
Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket
RGL9623 1982 NTSC USA
Movie Browser Disc Label Disc Format Disc Genre