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Other Laser Discs LaserDisc Movie Reviews - 1298 Listings

Angel and the Badman 45th Anniversary Rare NEW LaserDisc Wayne Western
Angel and the Badman 45th Anniversary Rare NEW LaserDisc Wayne Western
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition with Gatefold Jacket John Wayne,...


      LV20068   1947   NTSC   USA

Angel Town Rare Kickboxing LaserDisc NEW Olivier Gruner Action
Angel Town Rare Kickboxing LaserDisc NEW Olivier Gruner Action
Rare Factory-Sealed LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition Olivier Gruner...


      ID2480IP   1990   NTSC   USA

Angels in the Outfield 1951 Rare NEW LaserDisc Leigh Douglas Baseball Sci-Fi
Angels in the Outfield 1951 Rare NEW LaserDisc Leigh Douglas Baseball Sci-Fi
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Paul Douglas and Janet Leigh...


      ML104900   1951   NTSC   USA

Another 9 1 / 2 Weeks Dolby Surround Rare LaserDisc Rourke Everhart
Another 9 1 / 2 Weeks Dolby Surround Rare LaserDisc Rourke Everhart
Rare Dolby Surround Sound, LaserDisc Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Mickey Rourke...


      LDVM6373   1997   NTSC   USA

Another 9 1 / 2 Weeks Dolby Surround Rare NEW LaserDisc Rourke Everhart
Another 9 1 / 2 Weeks Dolby Surround Rare NEW LaserDisc Rourke Everhart
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Surround Sound, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Mickey...


      LDVM6373   1997   NTSC   USA

Another Pair of Aces Rare NEW LaserDisc Willie Nelson Western
Another Pair of Aces Rare NEW LaserDisc Willie Nelson Western
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Willie Nelson, Rip Torn, Joan...


      LDCVM5428   1991   NTSC   USA

Another Time, Another Place 1958 NEW Rare LaserDisc Turner Connery Drama
Another Time, Another Place 1958 NEW Rare LaserDisc Turner Connery Drama
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Mint Condition Lana Turner, Barry Sullivan and Sean...


      LV5719   1958   NTSC   USA

Another You Rare Dolby Surround NEW LaserDisc Wilder Pryor Comedy
Another You Rare Dolby Surround NEW LaserDisc Wilder Pryor Comedy
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Surround Sound, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Richard...


      70666   1991   NTSC   USA

Ansel Adams Photographer Rare LaserDisc Camera Interview
Ansel Adams Photographer Rare LaserDisc Camera Interview
The Spirit of One of Greatest Photographers of 1900s...
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket with several compressed corners, ring-wear and shelf-wear


The Spirit of One of Greatest Photographers of 1900s...

      ID5339PA   1981   NTSC   USA

Applegates AKA Meet The Applegates Dolby Surround NEW LaserDisc Channing Comedy
Applegates AKA Meet The Applegates Dolby Surround NEW LaserDisc Channing Comedy
Rare Factory-Sealed, Dolby Surround Sound, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition Ed Begley...


      ID8093ME   1991   NTSC   USA

April Fool's Day Rare LaserDisc Foreman Cult Horror
April Fool's Day Rare LaserDisc Foreman Cult Horror
Rare LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint LaserDisc and Jacket Deborah Foreman & Ken...



      LV1832   1986   NTSC   USA

April Fool's Day Rare NEW LD Foreman Olandt Cult Horror
April Fool's Day Rare NEW LD Foreman Olandt Cult Horror
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Movie Near-Mint Condition Deborah Foreman & Ken...



      LV1832   1986   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #01 Greece & Rome Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #01 Greece & Rome Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA101   1992   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #02 Romanesque & Gothic Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #02 Romanesque & Gothic Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA102   1992   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #04 The High Renaissance Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #04 The High Renaissance Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA104   1992   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #05 The Baroque Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #05 The Baroque Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA105   1992   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #06 Age of Passion & Reason Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #06 Age of Passion & Reason Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA106   1992   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #07 Realism & Impressionism Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #07 Realism & Impressionism Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA107   1992   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #08 Into the Twentieth Century Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #08 Into the Twentieth Century Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA108   1992   NTSC   USA

Art of the Western World #09 World War II & Beyond Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Art of the Western World #09 World War II & Beyond Rare NEW LaserDisc Documentary
Rare Factory-Sealed, LaserDisc Near-Mint Condition


      VPIA109   1992   NTSC   USA


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